Deeper connection in comunity

what are trinity life groups?

A Life Group is a smaller group that regularly meets for meaningful community and intentional encouragement as we seek to treasure Christ through all of life together. Life Groups provide the atmosphere and opportunity for deepening relationships, where you are known and know others in meaningful ways.  They are marked with fellowship, discipleship, food, fun, worship, prayer, and time in the Word together.


Our purpose at Trinity is to be a people who help each other and others come to treasure Christ through all of life. We aim for this purpose through worship, in community, and on mission. While Sunday gatherings are significant to our faith, they can’t provide the context for the kind of deepening relationships that help us grow in our faith. Life Groups are a crucial dynamic to bring this purpose home in our lives. In the context of a smaller, integral community, we can regularly equip and encourage one another to know, love, and follow Christ.

join a group

All Trinity Life Groups are currently working through an encouraging new series called "Love Your Church."  This thoughtful and practical resource will help us have fruitful discussions on how we can better love and serve our church family.

Check out our available groups and sign up to join us!

Trinity Life Groups